My name is Trudie Brock or Tru to my family and friends. I am 61 years old and married to my soul mate Al. We have 3 adult children and 7 grandchildren. I was born in Redditch, England, but moved to Australia in 1990 and came back "home" in 2015.
During my time in Australia I qualified in disability, mental health, fitness and rehabilitation concepts. I practiced both on land and in water, working closely with the community. I have been working in the care industry since I got back. I have recently qualified as a Reflexologist and I am certified by the CMA or Complementary Medical Association.
I believe that life is a journey to be lived, that life's challenges are lessons to be learned. I am at peace in our garden and amongst nature. Negative thoughts are quickly changed to positive ones, life is for living!
"Laugh until you can laugh no more."
"Live with the sun and the moon and feel the abundance of mother earth."
"Live each day as though it were your last."
"Fear not the past, for it has already gone."
"Fear not the future for it has not happened."
"But live for today and smile your most heartiest smile!"